Galesville, MD


“A History of Community Support”

Our Mission

The West River Improvement Association harnesses our energy, talents, and resources to promote a vibrant, safe, healthy, and diverse Galesville community. 

Galesville Memorial Hall

Galesville Memorial Hall was built in 1916 on land deeded to the community for five dollars by then local residents Herman and Bessie Woodfield. Over the next century and more, the Hall has become the center of community activities for Galesville and Southern Anne Arundel County. Today, the Hall is used for meetings and fundraisers for two community organizations—the West River Improvement Association (WRIA) and the Galesville Heritage Society—as well as for social gatherings for community members of all ages, including square dances, holiday parties, and art classes. 

Contact Us

West River Improvement Association

952 Main Street

Galesville, MD 20765


Hall Rentals 410-867-3508

Hall Rental Agreement

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